Healy Job Sleep Module

Job / Sleep

People leading a stressful working life often feel stuck on a treadmill. They may be in a situation where they have little opportunity to focus on their own needs and wants. External commitments may seem more important than their inner voice calling for a break or a change of direction. If this call is ignored for too long and if one‘s own limits are permanently exceeded, the body may adopt a “refusal attitude“ that can lead to the deactivation of entire functional areas. This in turn can lead to prolonged fatigue, exhaustion, sleep disruption and hypersensitivity.

Healy Job / Sleep Program

Healy Job / Sleep IMF applications are designed to provide valuable harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field when leading an active professional life, offering programs for people leading a stressful everyday life.


57mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Activation of the Bioenergetic Field.

Bioenergetic stimulation of mental clarity that is needed when wanting to perform at the top of your game.

Positive Thoughts

45mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Energetic orientation towards positive thoughts.
These frequencies support the stimulate an energetic orientation towards positive thoughts.

Balance Nerves

60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to promote calmness. Bioenergetic promotion of the beta state.

Bioenergetic promotion of the beta state. It is said that beta waves are our normal waking state of consciousness. When we focus on mind and memory, cognitive tasks and the outside world we are in Beta states. Beta gives us the alert, attentive thought process. It is involved in problem solving, judgment, decision making and mental activities.


60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to promote energetic balance.
Energetic reduction of stressors. These frequencies energetically support the reduction of stressors that cause strain, stress, and ultimately fatigue.

Exhaustion syst.

60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for recreation.
Bioenergetic balancing of the adrenal hormones.

These frequencies can support adrenal fatigue and adrenal burnout. This program is for systemic issues.

Exhaustion acute

20mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to protect against various influences.
Supports stress resistance via cranial stimulation to help energetically balance acute exhaustion.

Extreme Tension

60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for mental balance.
Bioenergetic support of mental and physical balance

Sleep Syst.

51mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Bioenergetic optimized changing into delta state (deep sleep)

Bed Rest

55mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Bioenergetic promotion of parasympathetic functions (recovery, relaxation)

Balance Sleep

52mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Bioenergetic balancing of the deep sleep phase

Fine Flow

20mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Bioenergetic activation through ionic movement in the body