Healy Fitness Module


With today‘s frequently sedentary lifestyles, maintaining fitness is a good means of balance for physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Regular physical activity should always be followed by a recovery phase. In addition, it is essential to maintain a healthy, balanced diet rich in nutrients and fiber. Fitness is also characterized by a sense of becoming balanced and centered within ourselves.

It is always important to feel supported and centered, and all the more so during times of need, burnout or grief. The Healy Fitness programs have been developed with this basic idea in mind.

Healy Fitness Program

These Healy Fitness programs include the body as well as the mind; we strongly believe that a balanced, sustainable and holistic psycho-physiological constitution must encompass both of them.

Our Healy Fitness IMF programs therefore concentrate on the harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field in four essential areas: muscles, performance, weight and relaxation. In our experience this combination is therefore suitable for everyone who enjoys sports and fitness activities.


60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for your body‘s energy balance (not a weight-loss program). Bioenergetic stimulation of the organs that eliminate waste products

Muscle Harmony

39mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of muscles
Bioenergetic optimization of cell regeneration


30mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for demands of exercise
Bioenergetic support of the blood supply that supports metabolism


60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field that supports your desire to excel
Energetic activation of life energy


60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of strained muscles.
Bioenergetic activation of the musculoskeletal system


60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for optimization of the capacity for endurance. Bioenergetic optimization of the capacity for endurance


57mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to stimulate vitality.
Bioenergetic stimulation of vitality

Deep relaxation

24mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to optimize the relaxation phase.
Bioenergetic optimization of the relaxation phase