Healy Bioenergetic Harmony 2 Program

Bioenergetic Harmony 2

This is the Healy Bioenergetic Harmony 2 guide & usages which harmonize Gastrointestinal, Bacteria, Tonsil, Liver, Food imbalance, Impurities, Head harmony, Prostate, Lung, Thyroid gland, Joint-bones, Sciatica Never harmony local.

The categories “Bioenergetic Harmony 1“ and “Bioenergetic Harmony 2“ contain frequency program compilations of the most common applications in everyday life, selected based on the experiences of our users. The use of terms like “Immune system” etc. refer to the disharmonies in the Bioenergetic Field that frequently underlie the symptoms associated with these terms. They are not intended to claim or imply that harmonizing the Bioenergetic Field will have a direct effect on those expressions or will cure, treat, mitigate or prevent any diseases associated with them. The Healy IMF programs only address dis-harmonies in the Bioenergetic Field.

Gastrointestinal Harmony

60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of digestion.
Energetic balancing of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bacteria Harmony

60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the energetic defense system.

Balancing of the bioenergetic defence system. We are a symbiotic organism and have bacteria and other microbes that can work both for us and against us.

Tonsil Harmony

60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the tonsils.
Energetically balancing the immune system in cases of infections.
Harmonization of the bioenergetic field to reduce feelings of discomfort

Liver Harmony

52mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the liver.
Bioenergetic promotion of liver metabolism.

Bioenergetic promotion of liver metabolism. The liver is a filtering organ. Processing of foods as well as toxins through and then out of the system. When working on the meridians the liver is energetically associated with anger.

Food Imbalance

60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field for food consumption.
Harmonization of the Bioenergetic field in case of food sensitivities

Bioenergetic fostering of food tolerance. Energetic support to help the body repair from food upsets, disturbances and intolerances.


60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field in case of impurities.
Bioenergetic stimulation of the body’s excretory processes.

Bioenergetic stimulation of the body’s excretory processes in the removal of toxins and toxic debris from the body and the energetic field.

Head Harmony

72mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field to reduce tension.
Bioenergetic reduction of tensions.

Bioenergetic reduction of tensions and imbalances within the head.

Prostate Harmony

60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the prostate.
Energetic support of the prostate gland.

Lung Harmony

52mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the lungs.
Bioenergetic optimization of the lung function.

Thyroid Gland Harmony

60mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the thyroid gland.
Bioenergetic regulation of the thyroid function.

Joints-Bones Harmony

72mins. X 1 Daily
Bracelet Coil

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the joints and bones.
Bioenergetically stimulating the excretion of metabolites.

Bioenergetically stimulating the excretion of metabolites. Energetic frequencies in the repair of important bone cells and cartilage related to arthritic processes.

Sciatic Nerve Harmony local

20mins. X 1 Daily
Adhesive Electrodes

Harmonization of the Bioenergetic Field of the sciatic nerve.
Local stimulation of the sciatic nerve area.